TSV: Taking care of your wellbeing post-pandemic

Sunday 11-04-2021 - 12:00

Lockdown’s been hard on everyone, some more than others, but it’s safe to say that no one has escaped its clutches unscathed. It’s also made this year the worst year to be a student, you can’t see friends or family, you’re bogged down with Zoom Doom and you can’t even have a drink at your local. It sucks. Believe me, I know. 

But now the suns coming out, the pubs are reopening and there finally seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. That doesn’t mean, though, that the personal side-effects of lockdown will instantly disappear. In fact, now more than ever, it’s important to look after your well-being and mental health.  For some of you, this may have been your first experience with such things, and that’s okay! That’s why I’m here with some great tips to help you take care of your well-being post-pandemic... 

Connect with others 

Contrary to what Netflix tells us, we do need to go out and talk to people! Humans are social and we need that contact. So, I’d recommend messaging a friend or family member you haven’t seen in a while for a quick catch-up. Most likely, this person will have struggled too and by talking about it together you’ll help them, which will help you! Keep it socially distanced, follow the current guidance and don’t be too hard on yourself if your social battery runs out faster than you remember.  


This one might seem simple but it’s also very important. Being stuck indoors and sitting in the same chair or lying in bed everyday can quickly affect your mind in a negative way. Getting even a 30 minute walk a day in can help blow off the cobwebs, bring you back to feeling clearer and help you get stuck into whatever tasks you need to get done. No one’s expecting you to run a marathon, but just a bit of exercise every day will really help keep your mind in tip-top shape.  

Eat healthy food

As students, we’re all guilty of going through the pot noodle or rustler burger phase. I forgive you for it. Coming up to summer, however, it’s the best time to start eating better! There are lots of recipes online that are cheap, easy and taste great. Not only will eating healthier help you feel better mentally and physically, but so will following the recipe. Just think of it like building some Lego you can eat! 

Have a consistent sleep schedule 

This is another one that’s very easy to forget as a student. Now I know how much we hate waking up before noon, but have you ever noticed that even if you sleep too much, you’ll feel worse for it? The key is to just set a consistent alarm. That’s it! Not only will have a regular sleep schedule keep you feeling awake for longer, but it’ll make you value your weekend lie-ins that much more. 

Start writing a journal 

This one’s a personal tip that I learned from a good friend, but it really does work. Sometimes our minds get fogged up by day-to-day rubbish and we need an outlet. In comes the journal. Just setting aside an hour a week to write about what you’ve been up to, as well as your thoughts and feelings can really help to clear your mind and push the negative thoughts onto the page. The best part is it’s a super cheap hobby that will help you a lot! Post-pandemic life might be more difficult than you expect, keeping a journal will help you get your feelings to better understand them and clear your head.  


I like to think of this last one as the most important. We live in a digital age and that comes with its own set of positives and negatives. Personally, I’ve felt bogged down by the constant COVID and political news. That’s why I’ve started pulling myself away from my phone. There are multiple ways to do this, but I think the best is to just set a time limit on your social media apps. Once your times up, it’s uplifting to know that you don’t have to look at your obscure relatives random Facebook posts! 

That’s it! I hope you found those tips useful and if you’re looking for any more well-being help or even just someone to talk to then please do not hesitate to check out these links: 

LJMU Student Advice & Wellbeing: https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/discover/student-support 

JMSU Advice: https://www.jmsu.co.uk/advice-service 

That’s all I have for you today, but I’ll be back next week with something new. 

Until then...

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