Let's Talk InclusActivity

Monday 28-02-2022 - 09:13
Inclusactivity blog

Why InclusActivity?

I truly believe every student at LJMU should feel comfortable to participate and engage in student groups at LJMU. My best time at university was being a member of the Trampolining Club as I made lifelong friends and was able to compete for the University at BUCS competitions. It was only until I was campaigning for the officer role that students explained the reasons on why they didn’t join student groups e.g. ‘I couldn’t attend any of the socials as didn’t drink so felt isolated. From the student feedback, I created a campaign in 2020 called InclusActivity to create a pathway of working towards an inclusive culture within student groups at LJMU.

Research backed up the development of the InclusActivity campaign, as the British Active Student Survey (BASS) 2019-20 reported that levels of physical activity related wellbeing may differ by ethnicity with White or White British students having a higher proportion of active students compared to Black, Asian, and Mixed Ethnic groups. Additionally, the benefits of taking part in sport only add the reason of increasing participation, the physical and mental health benefits of physical activity but also data published by BUCS that displays 74% of senior women believe a sports background helped accelerate female careers.

In 2020/21, the campaign was shaped and in lockdown I created a wide range of awareness raising, training, networks, forums, and events. An example of a successful InclusActivity event was a British sign language session open to all sport committee members to encourage the learning of British Sign Language, opening that line of communication to students hard of hearing. The key takeaway message from the first year of the campaign was students identified drinking culture and socioeconomic status as a barrier to joining. In addition, students wanted to celebrate cultures through lived experiences and EDI training. JMSU used the information to inform discussion and shape next steps of this campaign for this year.

Proudly, in 2020 the InclusActivity campaign was nationally recognised and shortlisted for the Diversity and Inclusion Campaign at the British University College Sport Awards 2021.

I have also created an inclusion fund for those sports who need to access further equipment, promotion to open participation up to those with disabilities or creating a women’s team. Another option to use the fund is students in hardship as it was highlighted about socioeconomic status can be a barrier, therefore it is possible to apply for funds for sports equipment, travel to competitions to open the opportunity to take part in sport to those students who have less disposable income which is a majority at LJMU.

Furthermore, I have created an inclusion toolkit for committees to help them with considerations when planning training and events to make them accessible and inclusive for all students. Sport and society committees will undertake EDI training each year, firstly focusing on being an ally and celebrating different cultures. I hope following the work of InclusActivity and the pledge of the Students’ Union to continue this that we will see an increase in participation in sports teams and societies.

The campaign is back from 1st to 4th March 2022 and the week allows for opportunity to engage and I get the chance to launch the inclusion fund, toolkit and pledge on campus.

I’ve created an InclusActivity Pledge, so this commitment is continued in future years. For sports the pledge is to sign up to each academic year and they will have an InclusActivity badge on their webpage so that students are aware they have signed the pledge which includes aims to celebrate culture, increase number of mature students on their team and more. Between the 1st and 11th March 2022 the InclusActivity pledge will be up on the wall in the sports center. So, if you, a student, committee, sport, or society pledge never to discourage anyone from participating or being included in sport come and sign the pledge and take a picture with it.

Emily, JMSU President.

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