Factors that can affect mental health

University can be stressful at times, with pressure to do well and get good results, and to finish university with career prospects.  Below are some of the key things that can negatively impact on your mental health whilst at university.

  • Stress from deadlines, exams and the academic side of university life
  • Moving away from home, often for the first time and being away from your family
  • Money worries
  • Difficulties making new friends
  • Problems in your accommodation

Sometimes, you may feel like turning to alcohol or drugs to relax and de-stress.  While this might make you feel relaxed in the short-term, it can do more damage in the long-term, particularly if you are taking medication to cope with your mental health illness.  If you are worried about your consumption of alcohol or drugs, and want to seek advice, contact Student Advice and Wellbeing.