Student Groups Elections

Every single one of our student groups are led by an elected committee of students. 

All student group committee elections will take place online. 

2024 Key Dates 

  • Apply for a 2024/25 Committee Role | Nominations open between 12th Feb and 26th Feb | Those wishing to nominate themselves can do so via your Elections web page. Nominations will become visible when voting opens. If you are unsure if a nomination has been submitted correctly, please contact us

  • Vote to Choose Your 2023/24 Committee | Voting open between 4th March and 8th March | Members can vote in the election by going to your elections page. 

  • AGM | Completed by 15th March | Student groups will still conduct an AGM to give members an opportunity to meet the candidates. 

  • Results Announced | Week commencing 11th March

How do the online elections work? 

All committees are selected through elections, hosted online by JMSU. There are two main parts to an online election: a nominations period and a voting period. 

Nominations Period 

This is the time when students can apply for a role on the committee. The application should include an explanation of why they want to be a committee member, why they would be good in the role, and what they would like to achieve in the year ahead if they were successfully chosen; this explanation is known as a manifesto. 

Voting Period 

Once nominations are closed, the list of the students who have applied is shared online and via email. The members of the group are each invited to cast an anonymous vote online, for the students they think would be best in the roles. The students with the most votes are elected to the committee. 

Just as with an 'in-person' AGM, you will need 50%+1 of your membership to vote in order for the election to count. 

If your student group has not completed your AGM and election by the above deadlines, we will assume that you will not be active for the 2024-25 academic year. 

Once the election has closed, we will let you know who has been successfully voted in. If you don't hear from us or want to check anything, again just email us.