Student Officer Accountability

How does this happen?

Officers are held to account, through a process called a scrutiny panel. The panel holds all full-time Officers to account on their remit, manifesto, and policy as part of our constitution. They meet two times a year to discuss the work delivered by the Officers. The Panel receive reports written by the Officers in advance of the meeting to frame the conversation and questions. At the end of the meeting the Panel then rate the Officer's performance and these are published for all students to see on the website.

Below are the scrutiny panel reports for the 2016/17 & 2017/18 Academic Year.

Who is on the Scrutiny Panel?

As a minimum, the JMSU constitution requires the Panel to include:

•  a Student Trustee 

•  a Community Trustee

•  a representative from LJMU

For more detail on what the scrutiny panel covers and how it is run please read the terms of reference.


How can I hold my officers to account as an LJMU student?

Students may submit questions to the panel for the Officers to answer which cover anything appropriate to:

•  Remit - e.g. the role of an Officer, for instance the VP Academic Quality Officer would be asked about Academic Quality related activities.

•  Manifesto - e.g. asking an Officer for an update on a particular manifesto promise and progress made towards it.

•  Policy - e.g. asking an Officer for an update on work done towards a particular Student Union policy. You can see a list of our policies here.


You can submit questions to the panel or ask a question about the panel by emailing


Panel Reports

Current Officer Reports on objectives and progress can be found in the links below:

President (2017/18) Pre-panel report (Dec17)     Scrutiny Panel Report (Dec 17)

VP Activities (2017/18) Pre-panel report (Dec 17)      Scrutiny Panel Report (Dec 17)      End of Year Review Panel Report (May 18)

VP Academic Quality (2017/18)  Pre-panel report (Dec 17)      Scrutiny Panel Report (Dec 17)  End of Year Review Panel Report (May 18)

VP Community Engagement (2017/18)     Pre-panel report (Dec 17)    Scrutiny Panel Report (Dec 17)


To see previous Student Officer reports and Scrutiny Panel reports please click the relevent link below:

President (2016/17) Pre-panel report & Scrutiny Panel report

VP Activities (2016/17) Pre-panel report & Scrutiny Panel report

VP Community (2016/17) Pre-panel report & Scrutiny Panel Report